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CAD CAM Full Veneers

In the past, the traditional methods for making tooth-colored cosmetic dental restorations, crowns, inlays, onlays, involved a series of dental appointments and final fabrication of the restoration by a dental laboratory. Today CAD/CAM allows us to custom-fabricate all ceramic restorations in the office and cement them in place - All In A Single Appointment! 

How is  CEREC Full veneers prepared? Single Visit Crowns!

CEREC is a state-of-the-art computerized milling unit, which visually scans the affected tooth and robotically grinds a block of hardened ceramic into your restoration. During your appointment, your tooth is prepared for treatment. An electronic scan is then taken of the tooth and displayed on the monitor for both the dentist and patient to see.The data is then fed into the CEREC machine, which creates the restoration in accordance with the patient’s individual needs. The restoration is finally polished and fitted into place – ALL WITHIN ONE APPOINTMENT.


What are the benefits of CAD CAM Full Veneers?


There are several advantages to having CAD CAM Full Veneers over conventional, laboratory-made restorations:

Everything is carried out in a single visit - you only need to visit the dentist once - take one day away from your work or life to have the procedure - instead of the usual two or three visits. 

Only one set of local anaesthetic injections - since the entire procedure can be carried out within the hour, you only need to have one lot of injections. 

Your dentist is in complete control of the final result - since the crown or veneer is designed and fabricated from start to finish by your dentist, he/she has total control over how it will look and fit, whereas a crown made in a laboratory is under the control of the technician who hasn't even seen the patient.

No temporary restorations - if you have lab-made veneers, you would require temporary veneers during the wait for your new teeth. These have been known to fall off and cause problems, which is a step that is omitted with CEREC restorations.


Advantages of all ceramic CAD CAM restorations: 


  • A ceramic restoration is tooth-colored, the same shade as your other teeth. Slight variations in shade, tooth to tooth, are actually more natural than one consistent shade throughout, and we will take that into consideration when choosing the shade for your ceramic restoration.
  • Unlike porcelain-fused-to-metal, a dark line at the base of the tooth is not likely.
  • Ceramic’s reaction to cold and heat is similar to that of natural tooth enamel; metal, however, shrinks and swells differently, permitting spaces to form between restoration and tooth, or between restoration and gums.
  • Especially with the CEREC technology, it is easy to match the shape and size of a ceramic restoration to that of the original tooth. It is also possible to alter the new tooth for a better bite.
  • Ceramic material is translucent, like tooth enamel, so it looks life-like.
  • Restorations made of ceramic and porcelain  have a long track record of being strong and durable.
  • With CEREC, we fabricate realistic approximations of your original teeth, but more beautiful.





















CEREC creates extraordinary life-like results and has changed the way restorative dentistry is practiced.